4 Digital Marketing Resolutions you should make for 2020
Another year is coming to an end. We have witnessed many brands leveraging the power of Digital Marketing this year while also saw many businesses still remaining adamant and ignoring the power of Digital Marketing.
Before going ahead, please read out the Internet Marketing Resolutions for 2019 that we had set for businesses and evaluate whether you have achieved all of them or not.
For businesses who have leveraged digital this year, they have much more to look forward in 2020 and for those who have continued ignoring it, remember ‘It’s better late than never”.
Thus, to ease out your task of identifying opportunities for the New Year, we have listed down 4 small resolutions that you should make for 2020, to get ahead in your digital journey.
1) Don’t focus on a keyword-based SEO campaign
Keywords are important, but putting them at the forefront of your SEO campaign strategy is not going to help you get enough traffic.
Instead focus on building high-quality links, providing valuable content to engage your audience and giving a good user experience.
2) Invest in Video Marketing
We said this last year, and we’ll say this again. Videos have the potential to generate 10 times more engagement than your normal text posts. Of course, video creation and distribution will take in a lot of time, money and efforts but the return on these efforts will be comparatively much more.
3) Optimize for Voice Search
Voice Search has started gaining prominence in 2019 and in 2020, it is bound to rise. There are good as well as bad news to this. The bad news is that not many brands have realized the importance of voice search optimization and the good news for you is that, this offers an opportunity for you to get your website ranked easily due to very little competition available.
4) Get out of your comfort zone
We have observed that many brand owners are contempt with the old digital strategies that they are practicing for 2–3 years. This is because they have formed a comfort zone around these practices and are not willing to learn new and updated trends. This runs the risk of missing out on important and latest strategies of digital success. Thus, getting out of this comfort zone is very important.
Start your new year with these resolutions in mind, and let us know in comments how excited are you about your brand’s digital journey in 2020.
Having difficulties while implementing the above resolutions, get in touch with us to know more about our digital marketing consultancy services or digital media buying services in Mumbai.